Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

For Thanksgiving this year Chase and I were in SLC with my parents and my brother.  My other brother couldn't be there and we missed Chases family.  It was Chases first Thanksgiving away from his family so I think it was hard for him and probably for his parents also.  If you ever read this Nortons, we were thinking of you all day and are very grateful for you.

Despite the missing of missing family members it was a fun day.  We got to sleep in (always enjoyable) then we went to my parents around noon and I helped my mom finish getting the food ready while Chase and my brother played xbox and my dad watched.  Then we ate some DELICIOUS Thanksgiving food.  Nothing too out-of-the-ordinary, which is how we like it! turkey, homemade mashed potaoes, gravy, stuffing, yams, cranberry sauce, rolls, the usual.  Then we had apple pie ALAMODE! (You add ice cream to anything and it's magically better than it was a second ago.) 

my family has this tradition every year of going around the table and saying what we're thankful for but along with the alphabet. Maybe not the most original tradition but it's fun. :) Some things that were mentioned:
- germs because they build up our immune system
- umbrellas because they keep rain off of us
- xylaphone because nothing else starts with "X"
- Rachel because I was sitting right there
- Eggs because they are good
- Transportation so we can visit family in Price
- Farts because they are funny
the list went on.

THEN we went and saw The Invention of Lying (it was alright...Ricky Gervais is always funny) Then we played cranium (the only board game Chase can stand to play) then we played some Left 4 Dead (yes, my mom chose to play!) then we played some catch phrase.  It was all very fun. :)

You see where I get it from...

My mom playing Left 4 Dead with Chase. She's so cute haha!

heading out to the movie! My dad fell victim to the infamous turkey-day
afternoon nap so he missed out.

I get very intense when playing catch you can tell...



  1. Oh man, we need to play a round of Catch Phrase together... I also get really competitive and I get really upset when I have people who go slow on my team hehe! Oh and I like the sword to cut the turkey haha!:)

  2. it looks like you had a fabulous thanksgiving. i love your family! i can't believe your mom played left 4 dead with chase - he has the best mom-in-law. i love your blog - your cute personality shows :D
