Wednesday, December 3, 2008

a Thanksgiving-palooza!!

Hello all!!! Here I am blogging again. It's been sooooooooooo long, I know! Since Halloween pretty much. *sigh* I just haven't had much to say. BUT now I have Thanksgiving to blog about! :)

SO. Thanksgiving. The day of giving thanks. This was an especially fun Thanksgiving because it was Chase's and mine first Thanksgiving as an engaged couple and last Thanksgiving not being married! And his parents and brother and sister-in-law came over! So it was 10 people! The Nortons and the Gregorys! Two seperate families that would soon become one! *sigh* (CAN'T WAIT!)

So, it was me and Chase, Chases parents, Nathan and Breana, my parents and my two brothers! Nicely paired off haha! My mom took care of the Thanksgiving staple food. ie: turkey, cranberry whatever-form-it-takes-on-varying-from-year-to-year, stuffing, mashed potatoes, condiments etc. And then everyone made/bought something for the dinner! (well, I didn't...but I'm the I don't have to...right? Spoiled, I know!) The Nortons all together brought everything else... Chase made pot stickers (His specialty! It seemed a bit strange but they were the first to go. *shrug*) And I know Breana made awesome spinach dip (even with the substiution of which we do not speak) and Chase's mom Karen made her Norton salad (it is eaten at every Norton gathering I'm pretty sure. It has BACON in it!)

So, all in all it was a totally delicious, fun and full-of-family holiday!! :D

Monday, November 3, 2008


So, my Halloween was pretty much awesome!!! The whole weekend was great! I wanted to get pictures of all aspects but, alas, I forgot my camera through most of it. Anywho, here are some fun pictures from halloween day at work.

They had a pizza party and a pumpkin-pie eating contest and a costume contest and later in the day people could bring their kiddos to trick-or-treat around the office. (don't have any of the kiddy pictures up because they're not my kids and it creeps me out to put pictures of other people's kids on the internet without their knowledge...) The last hour of work pretty much I was asked to go and take pictures of the staffers with their kids though and it was pretty freaking fun! There were some really cute kids in some really cute costumes! :)

I was the tattooed lady!! Still have some of them on a week later...

He was an explosion survivor! But everyone thought he was a cat! He put the costume together in about 30 seconds, so I was impressed! :)

Dave Harris was Harry Potter!

This is Jem and the Holograms! Really! HAHA! Just kidding. It's Kristi Chaney, Sierre Reid and Becky Wakefield

Here is the Allen family! They're not polygamists, they're just close. :)

Here's Megan! She's SUCH a nerd!

We have arrived! :D

Victoria was a fairy! She MADE that costume! :D
here is our desk. The customer service team is the only team that decorated their area!!! CS REPS FOR LIFE YO!

After work I went to a party with my friend Laurie and my fiance Chase! It was Laurie's birthday so we gave her presents and went with her to this par-tay in Orem. I didn't think it would be so great but IT WAS! I wish I had taken a pic or two AT the par-tay. But I didn't. There was dancing in the garage and Simpsons: Tree House of Horror episodes in the basement. Chase didn't really know any other guys dancing so he wasn't having the best time but we danced for awhile and then watched some Simpsons :) It was pretty sweet!!

Laurie went as a housewife! She stuffed her pants with towels so that her behind looked HUGE! It was pretty hilarious!

This is Amber, Jill and Britt. Those Betty and Wilma costumes were homemade! SO cute! Jill was a pretty hot Indian also...

After the hundredth person asked him if he was a cat, he gave in and transformed into a cat!

Here I am grabbing Laurie's HUGE's not her real butt so it's okay that I'm slapping it...not inappropriate at all!

Here is Laurie adn Chase doing THEIR pose! Ignore the tail between Chases legs...couldn't decide which on of the two looked worse...

Monday, October 27, 2008


(x) Gone on a blind date
(x) Skipped school
() Watched someone die
() Been to Canada
(x) Been to Mexico
() Been to Florida
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
() Gone to Washington , DC
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons
(x) Sang Karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with coins only
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) Made a prank phone call
() Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(x) Danced in the rain
() Danced naked in the rain
(x) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(x) Watched the sunrise with someone
(x) Blown bubbles
(x) Gone ice-skating
() Hitch-hiked
(x) Been skinny dipping outdoors
(x) Snuck into a cemetary late at night
( ) Been Snipe Hunting
( ) Taken anyone Snipe Hunting
(x) Gone tee-pee creeping

1. Any nickname? ... Pachel, Rachy Poo, Baby babe, freak, Rach-rach
2. Mother's name? .... Patricia Sue
3. Favorite drink? .... Water!
5. Body Piercing? .... 5 ear piercings and HAD my nose pierced
6. How much do you love your job? .... I like it a lot but love is a strong word lol. I'm happy.
7. Birthplace? .... Salt Lake City, UT
8. Favorite vacation spot .... I love Oregon. :)
9. Ever been to Africa ? .... Nope, but I have a kid over there! Shout out to Filipe!
10. Ever eaten just cookies for dinner? .... YEP!
11. Ever been on TV? .... nope :(
12. Ever steal any traffic signs? .... Nope, they're a lot bigger than they look...
13. Ever been in a car accident? .... OH YES!
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? .... 4 door. Love the 4-door
15. Can you drive a standard car? .... Does that mean a stick shift? Because, no.
16. Favorite pie? .... pies--not a favorite of mine--but probably choc cream <===same here grandma!!
17. Favorite number? .... 3
18. Favorite movie? .... ugh, SO MANY!!! Right now...HSM *embarassed*
19. Favorite holiday? .... HALLOWEEN!!!!!
20. Favorite dessert? .... Molten Chocolate Cake!!! YUM!
21. Favorite food? .... Flaming Hot Cheetos
22. Favorite day of the week? .... Saturdays OF COURSE! :)
23. Favorite brand of body soap? .... My uncles homemade stuff or Dove
24. Favorite toothpaste? .... colgate?
25. Favorite smell? .... Chases cologne!!
26. How do you relax? .... Watch movies or read
27. How do you see yourself in 10 years? ... 31-years-old hm. Married with 3 or 4 kids. Staying at home, maybe living in Price, taking care of my family. :D
28. Furthest place you will send this message to? .... Whoever sees my blog! :D
29. Who will post this the fastest? .... Amy???

Monday, October 20, 2008


Okay, this isn't HSM. It's a quiz about high school though! :) Got it from Amy's blog! Thanks buddy! (For the record, I WISH my high school experience had been one big musical. *sigh*)

1) Did you date someone from your school - Nope, I went to A dance with a guy from school. The rest were from Church. :)

2) What kind of car did you drive - I drove my parents car, didn't have my own car until I was in College, for most of high school it was FRANKENSTEIN. He was a green Ford Taurus (yes, like Conan O Brien!) We called it FRAKENSTEIN because he had a bunch of other parts from different cars and he was green! :)

3) Did you pass your driver's license test the first time? - Not the stupid written test but the drivers test I did. I ROCKED that test! I didn't have to parrallel park but I did have to pull into a spot in a parking lot and then back up into the spot behind and to the right of me and I DID IT!! It was the highlight of my driving career!

4) Were you a party animal? - Nope. Not even close! Unless you consider Bible study a party...which I do! :)

5) Were you considered a flirt? - I'm sure I did but I wasn't well known enough to be considered a flirt by anyone. lol

6) Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? - Nope

7) Were you a nerd? - I don't think so

8) Were you on any varsity teams? - NOpe. I was on Dance co...there was only one though...

9) Did you ever get expended or expelled? - No way! my mom would have killed me!

10) Can you still sing your fight song? - Some of it..."Hail Highland High...the school that we will always cheer...we will...survive...our school song from year to year! Banners will fly, to proudly wave our black and white...honor fame and glory too all this and more we give to you our highland hiiiiiiiiigh." Then we would do this cool stomp and clap thing. I never really even tried to learn it, just...knew it one day.

11) Who were your favorite teachers? - Mrs. Ebert and Mrs...some other spanish teacher. They actually enjoyed what they taught. And Mrs. Nielsen!

12) Where did you sit at lunch? - Various places...depended on the year.

13) What is your school's full name? - Highland High School

14) School mascot and colors - Highland Rams and black and white (because it used to be a prison) and gold sometimes.

15) Did you go to homecoming and who with? - I went to homecoming once and it was my sophomore year with Jayme Barton, my best friends brother.

16) If you could go back and do it again, would you? - If I could go back with the knowledge I have now I would. I wish I had enjoyed high school more.

17) What do you remember most about graduation? - How boring it was. And the ugly skirt I wore.

18) Where did you go on Senior Skip Day - Nowhere...don't recall having one....

19) Were you in any clubs? - FCCLA...honorary member...and that's about it...

20) Have you gained weight since then? - YES *grumble* I was dancing, like, 10 hours a day everyday back then and now I work at a desk all day and then go home and sleep.

21) Who was your prom date? - My high school sweetheart (from church) Holt Higgins.

22) Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? - Don't plan on it...but I have like 7 or 8 years until then so who knows.

23) Did you have a job while in high school? - Nope. Well, I worked part time at my dance studio in exchange for lessons. And I did my parents laundry for money. lol

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Did you know that...

-My favorite color is.....Aqua and/or a seafoam kinda color

-My favorite dessert is.....Chocolate Molten Lava Cake from Chilis!!!

-My favorite Sunday CD is....One of the WOW CDs

-My favorite anytime CD right now is....Goo Goo Dolls Greatest Hits

-My favorite show is...The Office

-My favorite place to be is .... Chases with all my friends and family

-My favorite time of day is..... 5:00pm

-My least favorite thing to do is......fill out call logs

-My least favorite thing to wear is....socks

-My least favorite place to be is an awkward situation

-My secret obsession right now is ......SYTYCD

-I miss.....Karen and Bart (I haven't talked to them in a long time!)

-I have been terrible at ......taking calls today

-I have the....coldest face

-I look forward to the day.....I GET MARRIED

-I love my....Savior and Lord!!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The AP August 2007

Here are pictures from my trip to the Arabian Peninsula last summer (August 2007) Don't worry I wasn't in a war zone or anything like that! :)

Here is our bathroom. Tere is a "western potty" and a "squatty potty."

Here is Laurie trying on a berka. We got to have tea in this little bedouin village. The ladies gave us a couple of berkas to take home. :) We had tea and dates. (it's a fixture over there)

Do you see the big black thing on my hand???? THAT IS A BUG!! There are these Beetles with really really hard backs.
This is the entrance way to the living room of the house we stayed in!
Here is where I stayed with my mom and BFF!!
Here is a BIG feast we had on the floor. But remember not to show the soles of your feet to anyone and only pass things with your right hand. The left is for wiping. :)
Here is my money!!! I am rich!!!! One "Restaurant" and one is a bathroom.

Here is the living room where we talked and stuff.

here is the house, like, 15 of us stayed in when we visited this tiny town called Schwamea (sp?) Right on the beach!!!
Do you see the MASSIVE spider??
Here is Laurie petting the baby camel at the camel farm. :)
Here I am on the beach being extremely immodest! (ankles galore!)

My mom, Zaheed, me, Saheed, Laurie. Look at the GREEN grass!

That camel is looking RIGHT at me!!! I love him!
These camels were scratching themselves on the truck! :)
I'm drinking camels milk! Not so good but I wasn't about to miss out on an experience like that!

Me and Laurie best friendin it up on a cliff!
About to leave! You can't tell from this picture but Chase SURPRISED me and came to say good bye! :D
The living room of another house we stayed in.

Laurie and I covered up. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wedding Log Stardate 10.02.2008 AKA: The dress cont'd

So, I don't feel like typing a lot.

Here is the detailing on my dress. It is lovely and summery and kind of hippy-y and unique and I love it!

The ribbon was supposed to be brown and it has a reddish tint to it but it doesn't really bother me. It will also be thinner. :)

I am very happy!

Friday, September 26, 2008

When you are a CS rep at 3form...

I am going to show you all what it is like to be a customer service representative for 3form.

When you are a CS rep at 3form...

This is your supervisor. His name is Chris and he is very nice and patient and knows just about everything!

When you you are a CS rep at 3form...

You get trained by Amy! She is the team lead, believe it or not, And she is ESPECIALLY patient with stupid people. If you have a blog you will get along with her very well! And if you don't, then you will within a week! :)

When you are a CS rep at 3form...

This is your work space! You get to put up pictures of your fiance and friends and Filipe, the boy you sponsor in Africa! And you get to keep it as dirty as you like!(especially if you sit on the side of the divider that faces nothing and no one!

When you are a CS rep at 3form...

You get to see Victoria's smiling face everyday! You will ask her about faxes alot and IM her a lot because she sits at the front desk instead of instead of by all of the other CS reps. If you are lucky, you will get to "train" her after being here only a month!

When you are a CS rep for 3form...

You chill near Megan all day! She is a great CS rep but an even better photographer! (her photog blog is up up up and to the left on my blog!) Even though you won't be able to see her very easily because of the evil divider you will always have a good visual of her cute bangs!

When you are a CS rep at 3form...

You get hotter and hotter and hotter. Like this! I don't know what it is...the head-set, the angry customers, the frigid cold. SOMETHING at 3form brings out the hotness in people!

When you are a CS rep at 3form...

You get to meet with your supervisor and talk about what you are doing well and what you could improve on! And at the end you get this neato copy of what you talked about! :D

When you are a CS rep at 3form...
You get one of these nifty phones ALL TO YOURSELF! It sits right next to you at your desk! Easy access! And, get this, when someone calls it BLINKS!!!!! Seriously. Lights. Blinking. When your phone says "logged off" and you have a picture of it, it means you need to stop taking pictures and get back to work!!

when you are a CS rep at 3form...

You get to look at this screen all day. :) That thing on the screen is called a CALL LOG. You fill out MILLIONS a day! They just get more fun as you go!

And THAT is the life of a CS rep at 3form. :D