Monday, April 30, 2012

Big News!

So...I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!

Here's some of the most common questions we've been getting and the answers.  (I MUST apologize for the lack of photos.  I don't know WHY I haven't been taking pictures of every second of this experience!):

--How many weeks are you/when are you due?
    About 11 weeks when I started typing this post and about 18 weeks right now.  Due, around the first of October. (I don't want to focus on one day for a due date since I might go over...I don't wanna drive myself nuts!!)

--Were you trying?
    Nope! We had decided to come back to the possibility of maybe beginning to think about trying for kids in July of this year, so that I might maybe possibly get to be pregnant during the Winter instead of the grooling Utah Summer.  So it was a bit of a shocker but we are soooooooo happy! :)

--How did you find out? 
    How most people do. Suspected, took an at home pregnancy test, saw it was positive, took another, saw IT was positive, freaked out. 
   I occassionally take at home tests because I occassionally suspect I'm pregnant so it was very much like any other night in our home.  Chase knew I was taking one so when he went to take the dog out is when I had found the first test and was taking the second and freaking out.  He came into the bathroom and saw me crying and I said "they're both positive." I was afraid he might be sad, angry, upset, panicked (which is why I was so panicked) but instead he said "YOU'RE GONNA BE A MOM." With a big smile on his face, which immediately made me feel better. So, we were not planning on having a kid but we are pretty excited about it.

--How are you feeling?
    I'm feeling  I had maybe a month or so of nausea and vomiting and then it went away.  I've had a small amount of heart burn and some dizziness...besides that I'm all good! :D

--Where are you going to give birth?
    We found where we are giving birth.  It's in a birthing center and a midwife will be delivering the baby, well it will be ME doing the actual delivering but the midwife will be there to oversee and make sure everything is as safe as can be!  The whole place is really nice, especially the birthing room.  It's got a nice, big bed, a large private bathroom, a sweet bassenett for baby, and a big jacuzzi tub.  (Don't worry, it's very sanitary, they went over their santization methods with us and I feel great about it all.) Here's a link:  You can see photos and get all sorts of info about the place.  So far I am really happy with our experience there.  I like all of the midwives and the assistants and the office manager.  Everyone is very nice and helpful and knowledgeable. 
   They only deal with low-risk, natural pregnancies.  They don't induce, give epidurals, episiotimies etc.  basically they believe in as little medical intervention as possible.  I feel great about that.  I won't go into why I feel so great about it but I'm both terrified and excited as can be to go all natural, I know I can do it!  Contingency plans are going to be made in case some unforseen complication comes up during labor, so that should put everyone's mind at ease. 

So, that's all that's really been going on lately.  I STILL haven't taken any pictures *shame on me* mainly because I don't look much different.  I didn't realize it took so long for that baby belly to poke out!  But I suppose I'll be plenty sick of my big belly by the time the baby is born. 

I haven't felt the baby move at all yet, that I've noticed.  I should start to feel that in the next week or couple of weeks and I'm suuuuuuper excited for it.  And we are going to find out the sex of the baby May 8th, which is a week from tomorrow!!!!!  So I'll be posting some exciting things as we actually start to buy furniture and make more plans etc.  Stay tuned! 

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo!!! Love hearing more about your little one coming!
