I think I felt the baby move!
I keep hearing how every woman, especially first time moms, when they first feel it convince themselves that it's probably some other non-exciting pregnancy sensations and then it gets stronger each month and they realize that it was the baby moving all along! Well, I THINK I've felt the baby moving the past few days but it's so subtle that I convince myself that it can't be the baby moving and it's one of those non-exciting pregnancy sensations. JUST like all the other mommies-to-be! Imagine that. So I've decided to just accept that it's probably the baby moving (and even if it's not...you guys won't know...you can't feel it! ha!) And it's so super duper exciting! It's not been like anyone else has described it (popcorn, butterflies, rollercoaster etc.)...but no one describes it the same way so there ya go. I think this is the only time in my life where I will voluntarily sit in silence doing nothing, when I just sit and focus on the baby moving (or sit and focus on how much I want the baby to be moving.)
It's amazing what I can do as a woman!!! My body is awesome!!!
Only 3 days until we have our first ultrasound!!! Pray that baby bell pepper (I have a pregnancy app on my smart phone and it describes the size of the bebe by comparing it to foods that are approximately the same size...this week it's a bell pepper!) is positioned appropriately (aka what will be INappropriately outside of the womb...aka showing off his/her genitals!)
I'll keep you updated.
One last note: I really need to get some pregnancy photos up...huh?
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