Thursday, August 20, 2009

campin' and huntin'


Last weekend we went camping because it was the start of the bow hunt.

Chase doesn't hunt but he's into archery and his brother and dad hunt so he went along with them and shot video of it all! Nathan has a tag for a deer and an elk and Bart has a tag for a deer, elk and antelope I guess. That's A LOT of hunting! But I don't think he minds ;)

People were out there camping from Tuesday to Monday I think but Chase and I were only there from Saturday morning until Sunday evening. The hunting season didn't officially start until Saturday and by the time we got there (around 12:30) Chases cousin Chelsea had already gotten a deer! And later her brother got a deer and then LATER LATER Nathan came home and had gotten his deer! What an exciting camping trip! It was my first time seeing a dead deer and, I'm not gonna lie, it was a bit much for me...I had a nightmare...shhhh don't tell my hardcore in-laws haha!

We played win, loose or's basically pictionary. The whole game is drawing and I'm pretty sure nobody really wanted/liked to draw but we all played anyway!

Here is Nathan and his dad and Chase with the deer Nathan got! I didn't name the deer because he was did cross my mind though... There were also other pictures of the deer but they were a bit more...bloody so I left them out.

This was behind the campsite. SO beautiful!!

I went on a walk Sunday morning and it was great! I saw a doe, a deer, a female deer.

We also played phase 10 while the hunters were hunting. In this had I had the first turn and I got out my first turn!! So, that was a short round haha! Doesn't really matter because Breana kicked all of our butts anyway haha!

oh yeah, I also saw cows on my walk!! One saw me and got up from where he was laying and started to walk over to me but I got scared and ran away...I'm a city girl and I don't know what cows are capable of!!

The men in their camo!

1 comment:

  1. LOL I'm glad you didn't name the dead deer... and I'm glad you didn't get mauled by a cow! Those things are deadly! lol!!
