Sunday, March 21, 2010

My favorite niece

These pictures are all from Saturday but I had so many and she's so cute I think she deserves her own post!  I learned many things about Olivia on this play date.

I learned that Olivia's stuffed animals dog pile on her...when her dad makes them haha!

I learned that Olivia has recently gotten her first 2 she likes to chew. :)

I learned that Olivia is mesmerized with tags.

I learned that she can sort of stand!

I learned that she likes to talk to her friend Bert (from her aunt Rachel)

I learned that she loves her feet

I got to watch her eat some baby food for the first time and I learned that she puts her thumb in her mouth after pretty much every bite.

I learned that she does NOT like you can see below (favorite picture ever!!)


  1. Haha you're right, the post-peas face is classic!

  2. despite what you may think rachel, i think you are a great photographer - i love these pics, i'm going to have to steal them from you sometime.

  3. I will definitely have to put together a CD for you!! :)
