Here are some pictures from the plane ride home. I made Chase take the window seat. And he loved it. I read and he took pictures the whole way home. Oh, except for the hour and a half we watched Dragonball Z...yeah... :) I don't like flying but the view is pretty cool!
Saturday was one of the funnest days! It was definitely the best included tour!!! FO SHO! I didn't really feel like going in the morning but I knew I would regret it if I didn't get to see ANY Mayan ruins! So, we boarded the bus for the kinda longish ride to Tulum!!!
First, they stopped at some half way mark to let us go to the bathroom and shop at this little local store. They had some AWESOME stuff. It was all pretty expensive though, because I'm sure mainly tourists go there...on their way to Tulum. Chase and I didn't have much money left at this point so I got a silver necklace that says "Norton" in mayan script (hopefully) and we bought a hammock!! (yes, it fits on our balcony!! ha!)
Then we loaded back on to the bus and went to THE RUINS (did anyone see that movie or read the book...creepy!)
It was really hot and really beautiful and really...ancient looking... :) That's really all there is to say about it...the pictures sort of speak for themselves. And if you're thinking "wow, there are a lot of pictures!" Don't even ask how many I left out haha!
After Tulum we went to another palace resort, of course. But this was the coolest one of all!!! It had a zoo-type-deal in it!! it was obviously huge and you had to walk down these long roads to get anywhere it seemed like but on the sides of the road there were all sorts of awesome animals!!!! We didn't get to see all of them because we ran out of time. This was the one palace resort where we didn't have enough time. We ate and then we got to go snorkeling (for FREE) and we could have gone kayaking too but we ran out of time for that too. :( It was really really fun!!
PS the pictures are out of order (last pictures first and vice versa).
The flamingos matched my swim suit!
yes, Chase took my life jacket! I kept telling him but it's hard to communicate through snorkels.
yes, I kow this is gross but I had to show it. It's AMAZING! Someone wring me out!
This is the fertility temple. "Very good for honeymooners!" as the guide kept saying. haha!
There is a face on the corner! see it?
This was our FAVORITE tour guide. He was so mellow compared to all the "party captains." He joked but it was really dry and I LOVE that kinda stuff!